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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Corona fear ? Did you consider these ?

I am not trying to be an expert here but all my intention is to do my bit in decreasing the unnecessary fear among people !

I am trying to put the write-up by not using medical or technical terms ( which we learnt from articles and videos of-course  ) for the sake of audience to connect better and understand easily !

Hyderabad: 'Corona Baba', sidekick arrested for offering virus cure |  Cities News,The Indian Express

I have observed many who are spending stressed and tensed 2 weeks or so just because they took an online delivery or got to know that someone they met is tested positive.

Relaxxx and consider below points if you have not already 😎!

Have you heard about 'Herd Immunity ' ? ...It is happening already . Slowly all shall become immune as it happened for SARS which is also a covid virus. 

Imagine an alien army attacking your kingdom. If there is a surprise attack by huge alien army , it would be very difficult to face them as our kingdom's army might not know how to fight them and counter new weaponry they have . What if very few of them come to your kingdom by mistake ? It is obvious your army will catch them do a research on how they look , how to identify , weapons they have and prepare a counter mechanism for them. Prepare a force to face , right ?

Similarly , nearly 30-40% of us might have already got small quantity of virus which is not sufficient to win us and our 'army' immune system might have already prepared anti-bodies ( counter forces readying ). Because of such immune people, the chain of this contagious virus will not continue and eventually it's impact will be non-significant 

Is your battle field set ? As you might be aware by now with various videos on how much D vitamin, B12 , C , Calcium , breathing exercises , protein intake , dry fruits , spices to keep the good metabolic rate etc are important , I am not going much into it. But there should not be any deficiencies , if the environment of the war is in your favor more than half battle is already won as they say 😊.

Will antibodies disappear ? .. There is no evidence as such. Even if antibodies decrease/disappear , immunity will have memory to prepare antibodies . It will ready the needed in 2-3 days against 2 weeks in case of surprise attack.

No one needs to worry much except people with lung infections or disorders , aged people , people suffering from other ailments or chronic diseases as their immunity will be less.

Even for the people with low immunity levels or lung issues , if it is diagnosed and taken care in first 3 days properly , nothing to worry at all. All the cases of ICU admission or further are those who did not realize in initial days and virus had the advantage of their low immunity and took it's control . Even at that extreme stage ,  Remdesivir and plasma treatments are showing good results.

Last but not the least ...Master health check every 6 months is a very good practice !

Be prepared for various permutations and combinations cases of probability , be brave and relaxed by taking necessary precautions and following good practices like wearing N-95 masks ( cloth masks and kerchiefs wont work :) ) , cleaning your hands with sanitizer.
Be a ninja to face Ninja-2 !


Gopi Gandi

Thursday, March 7, 2019

ISRO offers two-week summer training to students! 

Awesome ! more such should happen to plant and encourage the interest towards research in students from childhood.

From my close friends in USA I got to know how NASA does such with a plan and vision for years. A 7 years boy was taken to NASA as a part of school visit and in a book, they were asked to write about their interests . The boy wrote ' want to become astronaut'. From that day , they were sending comic books , toys, pictures etc as complementary to that boy for years and when he graduated , they sent a letter ' Come for an interview to join us as an intern with NASA' i.e nearly after 15 years. They offer many stipends, scholarships, sponsorships etc 

They grab all the creamy layer of talent from countries like India and China to work with NASA. That is why a surprising 40% is what Indians and Indian origin people are in NASA employees . Next being China.

If few good institutes like IISC -Bangalore and BARC can put India in top 4 in research field of science and technology , Imagine what miracles such culture of encouraging and investing on students can do! Of-course JRF , SRF etc are there but we need lot more to be done if we compare what Japan, Germany, USA etc does. 

Monday, February 18, 2019

Pulwama attack , what India should really do !

 I mourn the death of our soldiers who are fighting there in really hard circumstances with their hands tied due to political agendas.

It is always easy to say ' kill those bastards ' or support the anger but what we really need is 'strategic plans'. Now that the dust has settled , I would like to put my thoughts on what should be done as 'short term' and ' long term'.

As famously said by some religious leader of Arab countries...'every country has military but in Pakistan , military has the country'.

Nothing to do with the people of Pakistan - People of Pakistan has understood a long back that ' a nation built on basis of nafrath ( hatred) would not survive for long'. Barring the fear to say it in open and minor % of people effected by extremist philosophy, average educated youth of Pakistan love India so much , It's music , Films, culture, unity etc . Even the celebs , cricketers etc from there carry a fake and false image of hating India and infact they love India so much which they reveal in candid interviews and private conversations.

Many uncontrolled local self declared parallel Govts there ruined it already. Stopping water or food supplies will make it more poor than it is already. No harm to terrorist groups there.

New strategy - From last few years terrorists organisations which work with support of Pak millitary and ISI adopted a new strategy of finding a vulnerable Kashmir 'local face' to just show case in front .

Where India failed - Not discussing Nehru's disastrous decisions in this regard as it would take long, India showing extra 'sahana sheelatha' ,  giving back lands captured in earlier wars ( Neither Pakistan gave back nor China gave back, it is just 'extra good' India did it ).

What we need to discuss is India's failure post 1990s after eruption of terrorism . India should have foreseen the vulnerability of the people there for manipulative 'brain wash' with violence provoking theories by wrongly translating sentences from holy books by saying ' if you do this you will go there ...-- are waiting for you there' . Counter philosophies and education to that intense brain wash should have been greatly rooted by now. Treating Kashmir separately played and is still playing a key role in all this. Once it is merged with India , it should be as equivalent as other states. People of all cultures should have gone there by now, build industries , should have created employment, syllabus of what rest of India study should have been there. With out stopping that 'vulnerability' we can not continue. At least in another 20- 25 years , that should happen by having majority mothers as Malalas and children growing up with larger vision with proper career orientation etc.

Very strategic in man power sourcing - These terrorist groups have many strategic ways to get continuous man power for various groups of them like sympathizers, supporters, financiers ,couriers , helpers, activists and terrorists by sowing seeds in sensitive areas in time of incidents. They sponsor or provoke religious riots in vulnerable areas. They pickup people from families who suffered in those ( In countries of huge population - many many great things would be happening in many corners and some bad will happen at few places but they will show and invoke hatred by showing only those few bad and these vulnerable start living a trans that only bad is happening against them all over by watching and listening videos/audios over and over again). After any terrorist attack or bomb blast , police will obviously catch many sympathizers whom they could track by their phone calls or internet history or donations or purchase history etc. To get the precise information on who is actually involved and executed , they will adapt their ways. These terrorist groups will identify such who can easily be manipulated and brought to their track and brain wash them. Such would again take part in something planned by these groups and few more families would become supporters . This is the continuous cycle they are enjoying.  Govt should have better strategies in place to control this keeping aside the vote bank politics.

Media with foreign investments and hidden agenda - Telecasting ' my son is like this because of police'. Yes, police have taken such people who got funding out side state to pelt stones . Did Inquiry ( he will not tell if police offer him chai and biscuits and hence they will have to opt their ways ). Question to his father from many is ' what the hell were you doing when he was roaming with wrong groups ...when he was pelting stones, why did not you stop him? which resulted in him being taken by police ' are responsible for this. Few traitors on the name of 'Liberals' ( for me 'Liberal' word is given to them by being too liberal) circulate false propaganda and try to create some ideological grounds or reason for violence . We are in democracy after all! . Military personal doing any wrong deeds might have happened in early 1990s with anger and outrage after Kashmiri pandits incidents. But for last 2 decades , military personal being sent to J&K are being highly groomed , trained to deal with people , they are very humble, first people to help people there in any circumstances. They are facing attacks , getting beaten but not using the guns on any general public in-spite of getting hurt. 

Kashmir is India's integral part -If one goes back to 300 or 500 years of history , other historian can go to 2000 years to history to show that 'Jammu and Kashmir' is integral part of India. Forget all that unnecessary discussion , It was an autonomous state in British India and merged with India . That is it. Few people think of the idea of separate country. The moment it becomes ( in an imaginary scenario which would never happen according to me) , it would just go to the claws of Pak and China and would become nothing but 'a terrorist manufacturing and man power supply center' for terrorist groups. Anyway, keeping all that apart again, it is too important to India strategically to let it go. Hence once for all 'J&K is India's territory and will be , full and final'. 

Revenge - It would be foolish to go for any attack without creating 'proper ground' especially now when all the forces are put at border in both sides. Bi-lateral damage is not a real win. As an example , as we just waited few days Israil came up saying ' we shall even take a part if India plans any attacks as they are completely justified ' , all major nations except China came up with a statement ' We are with India on any extreme steps it may take' Korea says ' if China comes to rescue Pakistan in case of any attacks from India' we shall attack China etc . Ground where we shall face no criticism should be there at-least to attack 'terrorist camps in POK' ( a direct war between two nations is unlikely).

Change should start within - There is nothing like the change that starts within in view of self retrospection and reforming things. That would bring fruitful results indeed.  

Stopping the funding and Isolating it -  Diplomatic ways are also very important . If we can really stop funding they are getting for all these and could get UN reforms done in such a way that Pak is compelled and is left with no option than to eradicate these cancers spread across it , it would be the real win.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Saturday, September 9, 2017

197 mysterious deaths of Indian scientists in 15 years !

This is definitely a matter of shame to India!

Before 2015 ,I read an article in Hindu about number of mysterious deaths of our scientists and when India Times wrote an article , I was surprised and even today this is still continuing the same way . When I read a research article in Eenadu, numbers are surprising. As a part of western strategy to decrease India's progress in terms of science , technology and power , our scientists who are not being provided great security( like in other countries )are becoming vulnerable !

Let us wish our Govt will open eyes now atleast!




Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Take a bow Divya!

Idhi nijamaina inspiration..Kudos to Bejawada ammai Divya...Take a bow, Divya!

Courtesy : Eenadu


Gopi Gandi

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Sab ka Sundar Sapna

Obsessed searching this one for last 10 years in internet. One of my childhood favorites. I used to wait and watch this in my school days. Doordarshan oldies are always awesome !

Even after more 18-19 years , this is so relevant !


Gopi Gandi

Friday, February 3, 2017

Robin Sharma's golden steps for success!

Robin Sharma says that here are steps that all achievers of modern busy generation have...he says that we should make these SOPs to become undefeated and unstoppable ..

1. Early Rising- An active day will be more productive and a sloppy/drowsy day will hinder that.  

2. Strategic Time blocking for priorities like whats needs to be achieved . It is not about having 
   time but about making time . No matter what we have to block time for what needs to achieved.

3. Having a proper mentor and doing a transparent review of things with them if you are serious        on achieving and want to be rigorous.

4. Delivering beyond expectation .Make it a habit of targeting a bit more and walking an extra mile

5. Learning new things at-least for 60 minutes a day. You should today know something you did    
    not know till yesterday.

6. Little suffering and hard work now will lead to spending rest of your life as a happy champion.
    A 10 hour hardwork on learning a new thing proactively may bring a promotion , a 100 hour 
   learning gets you into a better job which makes your life better for 10 years. 

7. If you are not over prepared then you are under prepared. Have an edge on time utilization over    others arround you.While others are watching cat dances , bloopers videos etc , you invest time        on better things.

8. Knowing the game of Victim vs Leader mentality. Having negative people and/or people of low 
   confidence and/or people of inferiority arround and getting influenced by them will pull you 
  back. Major % of people on the planet will tell you many examples like'things you are 
  aggressively trying are not of much use', 'they are difficult' ..blah blah..Just give a deaf ear to 

9. Spending time everyday with you thinking , doing retrospection and introspection

10. Realize that ideas without execution is nothing but a dilution 


Gopi Gandi

Monday, January 30, 2017

No..they are not what you thought!

Generally people get confused between "Shy"/"Timid" and "Introverts  ". Introverts generally are very intelligent , thoughtful and reserved and not what they were wrongly defined by many :)..Being introvert to Ambivert is good....
Ee prapachaniki eppudaina edaina chedu jarigindante adhi athyuthsaham tho unnecessary things lo involve ayye "Extroverts" valla jarigindhi kani Introvert/Ambiverts valla kadu ;) !

Btw Pawan, Mahesh, Ajith , Vijay etc are introverts :-) !

Below text taken from web about report by research on millions of Intro/Ambiverts ( not on Shy/Timid)

"Introverts, in contrast generally are found to have strong social skills and enjoy good meetings  and parties but after a while wish they were home. They prefer to devote their social and emotional energy to those who are close to their heart , family and their well wishers . They listen , think and speak  rationally.They may not prefer small talk but enjoy deep and logical discussions even if they are lengthy" .


Gopi Gandi

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Trump using technology for his safety

Zoom n u can see every one in the crowd in his inauguration clearly!


Gopi Gandi

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Remembering 1 Nenokkadine !

Remembering 1 Nenokkadine as it completed 3 years ! A movie ahead of times for understanding level of Telugu audience and probably an epic for future generations .Arguably 1 among 2 of Mahesh's films ( the other being Khaleja)audience will regret for not making hits!

It is definitely a movie of hollywood material and high standard. 3 things are commendable..1. Sukumar's intelligence and vision 2. Rathnavelu's cinematography and lighting 3. Devi's BG and music.

Dialogues like ( at interval)
" Entra oopiri theesukuntunnav ? Nuvvu oopiri theesukuntunnav kabatti nuvvu bathakatla , nenu oohunchukuntunnanu kabatti bathukuthunnav !" shows how brilliant the writing was!

Let's wish more such films would come in Telugu.


Gopi Gandi.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

ఉప సెంటినెల్ ఐలాండ్ "సిక్కోలు " కష్టాలు తీరేదెన్నడు ?

కేవలం జ్వరాలతో వేల మంది ప్రతి ఏడు చనిపోవడం , రక్షిత నీరు అంటే తెలియని డజన్ల మండలాలు , పెద్ద ఆసుపత్రి అంటే తెలియని లక్షల మంది జనం ... ఇవన్నీ వింటుంటే ఎదో ఆఫ్రికన్ దేశం గురించో లేదా ఇంకా నాగరికత చేరని సెంటినెల్ ఐలాండ్ గురించో  అనుకుంటున్నారు కదా ! కానీ దు:ఖిచాల్సిన విషయం ఏంటంటే ఇది అభివృద్ధి ర్యాంక్స్ లో దూసుకెళ్తున్నట్టుగా   చెప్పబడుతున్న ఆంధ్ర ప్రదేశ్ లో ఉన్న "సిక్కోలు " గురించి . అవును !

ఒక స్పిన్నింగ్ మిల్ లోనో ఫ్యాక్టరీ లోనో  ఉద్యోగం వస్తేనే పొంగిపోవాల్సిన అవసరం అండ్ అమాయకత్వం నిండిన జనం ... లేదా కన్యాకుమారి నుంచి కాశ్మీర్ వరకు ..కాదు కాదు బర్మా నుంచి దుబాయ్ వరకు వలసవెళ్ళైనా కూలిగానో ఉప బానిస గానో పని చేసుకుని బ్రతకడం తప్ప మరో మార్గం లేని దయనీయ స్థితి ఇంకా ఉన్నాయంటే నమ్ముతారా ?

"అవుట్ డేటెడ్" కాబట్టి లేక లాభాలు రావట్లేదని గత 2-3 ఏళ్లలో చాల వరకు ఫ్యాక్టరీలని ప్రభుత్వం మూసేసింది . 20 వేలమంది పైగా  ఉపాధి కోల్పాయారు ...ఉద్యమాలు నడుస్తున్నాయి . 

ఈమధ్యే వార్తల్లో ఉన్న "ఉద్దానం కిడ్నీ బాధితులు " లాంటి సమస్యలు అక్కడ వేలమందిని దశాబ్దాలుగా పీడిస్తున్నవే !అక్షరాస్యతలో క్రింది ర్యాంకులలో పోటీ పడుతూ , సరైన సౌకర్యాలు లేని పాఠశాలలతో ఇంకా ఎంతో మంది నాణ్యమైన చదువుకు దూరం. 

మాంగనీస్ , బీచ్ సాండ్ , గ్రానైట్ లాంటి వనరులు ఉన్నా, కొబ్బరి ఆధారిత పరిశ్రమలు , జీడిపప్పు యూనిట్స్  ఉన్నా , 193 కిలోమీటర్ల  తీరం ఉన్నా  ఆక్వా రంగం అభివృద్ధికి  ప్రభుత్వం చొరవ చూపక  నిధులు ఇవ్వక పోగ  పైగా ఈ పరిశ్రమలు ఉన్న అన్ని భూముల్ని తీసుకుని పర్యావరనాన్ని గోరంగా దెబ్బతీసే విధంగా దగ్గర దగ్గరగా 5 పవర్ ప్లాంట్స్ , యురేనియం ప్లాంటు వాటికీ బలికాబోతు ఆదాయ మార్గాలు సృష్టించ బడక ప్రతి పట్టణం లో, నగరం లో వలస కూలీలు వారై ఉంటున్న సిక్కోలు వాసుల కష్టాలు తీరేదెన్నడు?

( ఈ సందర్భంలో శ్రీకాకుళం కి ఎంతో కొంత చేసిన గౌతు లచ్చన్న మరియు ఎర్రన్నాయుడు వంటివారిని గుర్తుచేసుకోవటం కూడా మన బాధ్యత . వారికి నా అభివందనం )

--గోపి గండి  

Monday, August 1, 2016

Pelli choopulu movie, a must watch!

Very fresh and clean in approach..against many notions..away from regular 'blame the girl' concept of defining youthful story telling..story of bold girl with entrepreneurial aspirations told in most entertaining and yet healthy way....Awesome 'Pelli Choopulu ' movie ..a Must watch!...Of course they did not miss to cater to larger base of audience as they chose hero character from 'backbench' as-usual ;)

Hero's friend character's comedy is highlight of the movie!

Monday, June 13, 2016

A Big move : Microsoft to buy Linkedin

Really a big move, have to see how far it will
help !


Gopi Gandi

Monday, June 6, 2016

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

History of India

Good work by a foreigner by crosschecking British references and recorded historical evidences ( which they have destroyed here and kept actuals with them :) )

Interesting and clear proof that Gandhara ( Kunthi's place ), Kamboja etc of Mahabharata are actually part of history.

Gopi Gandi

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Mindset of a winner

I liked it :) !


Gopi Gandi

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Most influential Indian entrepreneurs under 30



Gopi Gandi

Friday, January 8, 2016

8.2 Magnitude Earth Quake predicted in himalayas

Little relief is that Indian scientists dismissed this but many of them also feel that even if it is "not now" but "may occur" in future....


Gopi Gandi