I am not trying to be an expert here but all my intention is to do my bit in decreasing the unnecessary fear among people !
I am trying to put the write-up by not using medical or technical terms ( which we learnt from articles and videos of-course ) for the sake of audience to connect better and understand easily !
I have observed many who are spending stressed and tensed 2 weeks or so just because they took an online delivery or got to know that someone they met is tested positive.
Relaxxx and consider below points if you have not already 😎!
Have you heard about 'Herd Immunity ' ? ...It is happening already . Slowly all shall become immune as it happened for SARS which is also a covid virus.
Imagine an alien army attacking your kingdom. If there is a surprise attack by huge alien army , it would be very difficult to face them as our kingdom's army might not know how to fight them and counter new weaponry they have . What if very few of them come to your kingdom by mistake ? It is obvious your army will catch them do a research on how they look , how to identify , weapons they have and prepare a counter mechanism for them. Prepare a force to face , right ?
Similarly , nearly 30-40% of us might have already got small quantity of virus which is not sufficient to win us and our 'army' immune system might have already prepared anti-bodies ( counter forces readying ). Because of such immune people, the chain of this contagious virus will not continue and eventually it's impact will be non-significant
Is your battle field set ? As you might be aware by now with various videos on how much D vitamin, B12 , C , Calcium , breathing exercises , protein intake , dry fruits , spices to keep the good metabolic rate etc are important , I am not going much into it. But there should not be any deficiencies , if the environment of the war is in your favor more than half battle is already won as they say 😊.
Will antibodies disappear ? .. There is no evidence as such. Even if antibodies decrease/disappear , immunity will have memory to prepare antibodies . It will ready the needed in 2-3 days against 2 weeks in case of surprise attack.
No one needs to worry much except people with lung infections or disorders , aged people , people suffering from other ailments or chronic diseases as their immunity will be less.
Even for the people with low immunity levels or lung issues , if it is diagnosed and taken care in first 3 days properly , nothing to worry at all. All the cases of ICU admission or further are those who did not realize in initial days and virus had the advantage of their low immunity and took it's control . Even at that extreme stage , Remdesivir and plasma treatments are showing good results.
Last but not the least ...Master health check every 6 months is a very good practice !
Be prepared for various permutations and combinations cases of probability , be brave and relaxed by taking necessary precautions and following good practices like wearing N-95 masks ( cloth masks and kerchiefs wont work :) ) , cleaning your hands with sanitizer.
Be a ninja to face

Gopi Gandi