we ended that discussion in more diplomatic and corporate way as we generally pretend in office :-) ..saying that "har kisi ka ek opinion rahtha bhai" (lot of laughs and funny expressions).
I could not accept that human relations are calculative because...as an example..I will quote people who are close to my heart....
my family members, my grand pa (my mother's father ) ,my pinni and my sister in hyd , my 4 close frnds of my school, one from intermediate college ,2 from our group and one in my previous company .I always like to give my time for them and they wished my success always, were with me in all circumstances...

hence I strongly believe good human relations are needed for every one
I would like to quote

"Geliche vallaki gelupu daka velle vallaki manchi manava sambandale teda"--Ramakrishna paramahamsa
" You tell me your friends ...I will tell you what you are " --Ananymous

"Human relations are built on feeling, not on reason or knowledge. And feeling is not an exact science; like all spiritual qualities, it has the vagueness of greatness about it. There is no joy except in human relations"-- Saint-Exupery
Gopi Gandi