Dear frnz,
( It may sound a little pompous if I say that most of my frnz for that matter most of poeple who are passionate about achieving great things miss this until they realise.. :-) )
Some times little ones make us realise those with their tears or my little sister did ..
She made me realise that I need to have more taking decisions for them or guiding them...(ofcourse it was taken other way instead of care and concern that nothing must go wrong for our dear ones..but we are supposed to realise or make some one realise in a gentle manner..)..
coincidentally an email came in group about reasons for failing in relations with dear ones stressed on lack of Empathy ,in a weekly magazine today some one mentioned the same as area of improvement of Farhan akthar whom we all know as a genious and as good human..
Hence all this made me post this so that even my frnz can check with them whether they are also missing empathy... :-)
Gopi Gandi.