Awesome ! more such should happen to plant and encourage the interest towards research in students from childhood.
From my close friends in USA I got to know how NASA does such with a plan and vision for years. A 7 years boy was taken to NASA as a part of school visit and in a book, they were asked to write about their interests . The boy wrote ' want to become astronaut'. From that day , they were sending comic books , toys, pictures etc as complementary to that boy for years and when he graduated , they sent a letter ' Come for an interview to join us as an intern with NASA' i.e nearly after 15 years. They offer many stipends, scholarships, sponsorships etc
They grab all the creamy layer of talent from countries like India and China to work with NASA. That is why a surprising 40% is what Indians and Indian origin people are in NASA employees . Next being China.
If few good institutes like IISC -Bangalore and BARC can put India in top 4 in research field of science and technology , Imagine what miracles such culture of encouraging and investing on students can do! Of-course JRF , SRF etc are there but we need lot more to be done if we compare what Japan, Germany, USA etc does.