ekkadaa edhi over avakunda..prathi relation ni extraordinary ga choopincharu..Cienmatographer Venu and DSP are major credit holders in making it such a great movie..
Sidharth is one of my favourites for his awesome approach towards film making , maturity , choices and attitude. I always adore as he is one of few wavelength matching people I feel..As usual he did his home work and really did his part well.
veda charector maa chelli chinnapti best frnds ni remind chesedhi..vallu "Annayya Srihari nuvvu..veda nenu" antunte bavundedi :)
Songs are all time hits ..lyrics in songs like ghal ghal are very well written..hats-off to S climas rihari for expressions.like... When he goes to temple to do archana on behalf of Sidharth saying " konni pannalu theese athani kuppalo kalipesa",...Climax scene when Srihari dances in his sister's marriage etc.
That is a movie we can always watch with family and enjoy ..really missed such feel good movies in 2012..it was a dry year for good movies...atleast there were movies like pilla zamindar which can be called a little good one in 2011..
Gopi Gandi