Hi ,
I would like to bring you an understanding about a man who have great knowledge over film making , never deviate from his standards and who have great social commitment.....he is ...none other than...
Pawan Kalyan
If passion could speak,It would articulate the splendor of Pawan in the most beautiful way...
If imagination had wings,It would spread the glory of Pawan to the world around...
If vision could feel,It would feel the radiance of Pawan to the fullest extent...
If heart could think,It would comprehend the platonic love that the fans of Pawan have for him...
If truthhad power,It would make sure Pawan achieves tremendous success in the years to come...Madhu Ambat ( great cinematographer)...."I have hardly seen youngsters who have that much great knowledge and clarity on film making. Pawan is one of them and he always thrives for perfection."
A.M. Ratnam ( a veteran film maker-Surya Movies) ... " To the extent of my knowledge, there are only two people who have great judgement and crystal clarity on commercial film making in south India..one is Rajnikanth and another is Pawan kalyan".
Trivikram Srinivas... " He is one of the greatest personalities I have ever met. I got inspired and have learnt many things from him...He is not only a reel life hero but also a real life Hero."
Surya ( Veteran actor --gold medalist in Asian school of drama)..." I have noticed an approach like a hollywood director in him. His hardwork and passion for better output inspired me a lot."

"Toliprema " conveys need of beautiful family relations and need of maturity in taking decisons regarding career and love.
"Tammudu" conveys that any one can achieve good heights if he believes in himself and does systematic hardwork.
Pawan in all his films like Badri, Kushi , Gudumbhashankar, Jalsa etc came to us with some beautiful songs with a great message to have social commitment and arose patriotic feeling in every one with great lyrical values.
Great Respect for women
Pawan in all his movies made sure that women are never insulted ..proof for it would be that there were no double meaning dailogues, irritating club songs, underplayed roles of heroine. You can go with your family and enjoy his movies always.
Great musical and Lyrical values
According to Keeravani a great music director , Pawan is one of very few who got great music taste and judgement...We can understand as all his movies are great muscial hits..Pawan has great love towards good literature and lyrical values...All lyrics in his movies have good lyrical values and underlying message.
Pawan is very private person and always keeps low profile of himself. And tries to keep away from media. That was taken as advantage by some yellow journalits and a section of media to create hypothetical , imaginary and cock and bull stories about Pawan kalyan. As we all are aware , major pecentage of people will be just carried away by gossips and fake news rather than having good inputs , analysing things and then coming to a decision...some people got wrong perception about him.
Gigantic reachment ... That is the reason why he was able to continue giving suprise all with his box office records even though he haven't had a great success since last 7 years ( except Jalsa...which can be called a hit).He have strong and undisturbed graet fan following.
People who admire him and his works include...

All the great technicians and intellectuals are admirers of Pawan kalyan and his works ..I hope this brings u a good understanding about him :-)
Yours Truely,
Gopi Gandi.
Gopi Gandi.