Well, We have been
calling ourselves a "developing nation" from decades but I feel that we and our next generations will also be calling us the same if we don't eradicate
"Child labour " and improve
"literacy % in women".
It is horrible to hear that there are about 6 crore

childen ( nearly 20% of child population) between 8-14 years of age who are entagled in one or the other form of physical labour by being out of school.
If a child who is supposed to go to school and learn for his bright future is going to work, with out having proper guidance porbability that he would a labour, thief, rowdi, gunda etc after some years is high.
How can we call our selves developed with people who are still starving or eating one time a day and earning very less than needed for Roti , kapada and makan for them and their family?

Here in this context I would like to appreciate Kapil sibal central minister ,who is trying to bring some good changes in Indian education system and played a crucial role in bringing the
recent rule of making educaion as fundamental right. I hope that would add something but for sure there is lot more to be done on the reasons behind child labour. A very poor family will prefer her child to work for their survival. Thier helplessness may make them rigid and they may not listen to us that the education is needed for their child's better future.

I feel
women's knowledge is society's knowledge and her empowerment is world's empowerment. Thier empowerment is needed not only beacuse there are half the part of society but mean much more in many more ways of contribution like ...If a mother is educated, beside supporting her family she would make her children go in ideal and ethical path.
Still we here of cases where girls are getting married in between 14-19, not being treated equallent to males in regards to career and education and still we here of complete supressing of women in many backward sects, tribals , atrocities against women in UP, Bihar etc.
These things should be taken up by Govt and must be eradicated from routes and core along with working on the reasons for these to see India as "DEVELOPED" in near future.
Gopi Gandi.