Recently it happened to watch some discussions on "homeopathy" . It made me read some on it in internet...I am "trying" :-) to put it as simple as and as non technical as possible ..

Homeopathy was proposed 20 years before Louis Pasteur invented that viruses cause diseases and before molecular theory was developed . Father of homeopathy, Hahnemann himself is allopathy doctor. He just suggested that he feels creating symptoms may cure some diseases but never said it in confirm or showed proofs as science was not yet developed by then.
Instead of using more technical words like Moles , molecules etc ...I will try to explain the funda of homeopathy in simple manner

Repeat for at least 8 more times, which means that you now have a solution that is 1 drop of the medicine to 10,000,000,000,000,000 drops of water. 1 drop the medicine to 10 quadrillion drops of water. Needless to say that drinking one glass of water from this “Solution” is effectively drinking water. The chance that even one molecule of venom is in there is so small it is effectively nonexistent.
Homeopathy thinks and believes that by mixing the some medicine in the water the first time you then made all the water have a “Memory” of that medicine.
I am neither with the group who think that English medicine is the only medicine saying that it is "proven" ...I also believe that many other natural ways of medicine exists like "Ayurvedha"and just that world has to explore them yet ..
You might have heard of "Placebo effect " is nothing but the name of psychological curing of diseases by making patients believe that he/she has been given a good medicine by good doctor. In such experiments 70% of small diseases and pains got cured due to the strong belief that they were given medicine.
"Relief " that is being felt by many poeple for small pains and diseases after using homeopathy are due to this "placebo effect only".
Some sentences used by homeo doctors itself will give you an understanding
"We have a separate philosophy that giving concussions to water will create a energy "
" Recreating symptoms of the disease(artificially) from which the person is suffering ..will lead to curing of that disease"
" We agree that there is no matter* in our medicines ( so called :-) ) but they can still cure because of energy ( which can be seen and created by only homeopathy doctors) "
*Matter here means "any substance" and substance in this context is medicine..they agree that their sugar balls( of course they call them medicines :-) ) have no matter ( as they dilute it to 10 crore is equal to not having any thing in it but sugar and some water) but they have energy packed in them which will cure the disease.
Many developed countries like Britain , USA and many Europeon countries are in the process of banning homeopathy . After recent studies and results with statistics, 2 principals of Homeopathy colleges came out and said that it is all trash...
Funny thing is that they advertise it as "medicine with no side effects"..when there is no "matter" itself in it and when it has no "effect at all "( as sugar water or ball cant show any effect) ..where is the scope of "side effect" :-)
Gopi Gandi.
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