Dont feel offended :) ..but its true that many studies, surveys in recent past .. many published in Hindu to noted local news papers like Eenadu gave statistics supporting the fact that most of companies are unable to find tech students competent enough i.e. students who have good overall awareness about various technical domains are lacking in India and you will feel suprised if I say that a major survey shows that as many as 92% are not good at communication and language skills. ..70%+ are not really good at technical domain they claim to have learnt..

Boom or market can effect service oriented jobs like BPOs a little but not for technical jobs.
To Conclude.."boom" is not there and will not be there any further..but Survival of fittest will exist always..and there will always always be jobs for those who are really competent , skilled and technically sound :)
Gopi Gandi
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