In the context of World day against Child labour day today ( June 12), some numbers which should concern us.
World has arround 150 million children as labour ( defined as aged between 5-14 ), and India is the home to highest number of working children ( arround 28 million -estimated by surveys, of course Govt records deny this and show less ).

Another worry for me is that good share of them are in hazardous jobs like bidi , leather industries , coal mines etc where they are exposed to gases and unhygienic atmosphere leading to health issues for them.

India ( for that matter , any country ) can not become developed by growing its GDP by having high child labour % . They would be leading life of less quality in all regards and not having education or exposure can lead them to wrong side like crime easily.
The work being done by Bachpan Bachao Andolan (BBA), an NGO headed by 2014 Nobel Peace laureate Kailash Satyarthi , is really commendable in this regard.
Gopi Gandi
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