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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Day after tomorrow and 2012..started happening

You might have seen the two movies..they are among all time highest grossers of Hollywood..Ronald Emerich's "The day after tomorrow" and "2012" ..(both were directed by him -second one is almost like a continuity of the prior)..

On the other day , when my brother was talking about these, I realized that what ever they have shown in those movies(of course we all might have heard most of them some where by some other sources)started happening already by now..

Before putting them , I want to make one thing clear.This is not to scare any one but to create awareness , caution and spread the need for being environment conscious and promoting plantation and greenery. Being a Green peace activist from last 3 years , I have read many articles and attended seminars. Many renowned speakers , researchers etc gave us good awareness about how much important it is realize the dangers that are near , take measures and save the earth.   

Ok, coming to the shown in those movies, sequence of incidents started happening.

  • Tornadoes in various countries , untimely storms and hurricanes ( recently we heard many such happening in USA..destroying cities)
  • Frequent small earth quakes
  • Lakes getting disappeared ( means getting dried up)
  • Monsoon rains getting delayed and decreased as they change their direction if average temperature is high due to global warming 
  • Hot springs ( in news in recent past..including in AP)
  • Hailstone rains 
  • Untimely heavy rains , acid rains etc
  • Extremity in all seasons ( i.e extreme and unusual temperatures /rainfall ...average temperature increases in summer, drastically low temperatures get recorded in winter )
and last one is -Melting of ice bergs at rapid pace. Actually I thought of posting this yesterday ..coincidentally today afternoon, there was a bulletin in news saying that US Scientists submitted a report that Ice bergs are melting at a very much faster pace than earlier.This is the only point left out in above list and I got to hear about this today as a coincidence.

I don't go by Mayan calendar or Nostradamus or Confucius or Veera Brahmam but one thing is for per science only we can estimate that all those which were shown in those movies are going to happen within another 20-25 years.

If Governments ignore these and take no proper measures like-  decreasing carbon wastes, decreasing CFCs, stopping deforestation , Increase plantation and promote greenery etc , we have few decades left .


Gopi Gandi.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The recent happenings have me thinking about the end of the world too. And yes, I second your opinion about it happening in another 10-15 years. In that case we don't have much time left, so live life like theres no tomorrow.